Mag. Renata Bock
With 8 years I recieved a children's book about archeaology as a present from my father and with that my desired career was set. So from 1983 till 1990 I studied pre- and early history at the university Wroclaw and finished the study with academic title "Master's degree of archeaology". I worked at archeaological digs, recovery's of finds and restorations in Poland and Austria. This wasn't possible anymore as my two children grew bigger and went to school. Since I didn't want to be a 'deskarcheaologist', the idea of the Bocksche Werkstatt developed, which exists since 13.03.1999. At the beginning I focused on imparting historical handicraft and the corresponging knowledge. With time I expanded the handicrafttechniques and I started to make products for sale because of my own intrest and also customer demand. Till today I make our products with great intrest and passion and share the knowledge to the handicrafttechniques. I espacially enjoy in my work the research (of new historical sources and to different handicrafttechniques), the constand increase of knowledge, the always new challanged and of cource the working with my hands.
Theresa Bock, BA BA
I was only 8 years old as my mother Renata incorporated the Bocksche Werkstatt, and I took part with enthusiasm from the start. I always spend a lot of time in the shop to work creatively, and espacially later to improve my manual skills. And although my education (since 2013 finished bachelor-study of sociology at the university of Vienna and since 2016 finished bachelor-study of education at the university of Vienna) and my career choice went another way, I still enjoy to work with my mother in the shop. In my spare time I like to do leatherwork, enameling, wirework, tabletweaving, modelmaking for the bronzecasting and refinishing the casted pieces. I help Renata also with the handseams of the historical clothing (with the sewing machine I am on bad terms for some time know :) ). The working with different handicrafttechniques is espacially important for me because I have unbelievable much fun, it always is a new challange and it is a balance to the daily routine.